Chorus Information


Broadway By the Bay

Information last updated: 2008-06-01
Status: Current

Basic Information

Description: This is an amateur, community group (of high, nearly professional quality), open to the general public.
Web Address:
Year Estab: 1967
Mission: Musical theatre production
Emphasis: Broadway musicals
Size: Varies
Concerts/Year: 4 shows, 7 performances each
Auditions: Yes, held at the San Mateo Performing Arts Center, 600 North Delaware, San Mateo 6 weeks in advance of shows: February, May, and August. Auditions require a prepared song (accompaniment supplied), dance audition, cold reading if called back.
Dues: No
Dress: Costumes provided
Rehearsals: Every weekday (each person's schedule varies), 7:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., San Mateo Performing Arts Center, 600 N. Delaware, San Mateo


Type of Music: Musicals/Theater
Type of Chorus: Opera/Theater
Rehearse City: San Mateo
Region: San Mateo County
Audition Req'd: Y

Chorus Contact Information

Mailing Address: 428 Peninsula Avenue, San Mateo, 94401-1653
Phone: (650) 579-5568
Fax: (650) 579-5680

Other Information

Related Groups: No
Discography: No
Bibliography: Tons of them! Every show is reviewed by several critics. We are usually favorably compared with touring companies and Broadway.