Chorus Information


Conjunto Nuevo Mundo

Juan Pedro Gaffney R.

Information last updated: 2008-06-01
Status: Current

Basic Information

Description: This is a professional-level, multicultural, special interest performing group, open to the general public (if qualified.)
Web Address:
Year Estab: 1975
Mission: To perform professionally the vocal and vocal-instrumental ensemble repertories of the Hispanic World, and also to establish this music as a familiar part of modern concert repertory.
Emphasis: Vocal chamber-music of the Hispanic World, from the 12th to the 20th centuries. This embraces the Cantigas from the court of Alfonso el Sabio, sung in medieval Galician, Sephardic songs sung in Ladino, the Llibre Vermell, sung in medieval Catal?°n and Latin, Villancicos and Romances from the Spanish Renaissance Cancioneros, part-songs, cantatas, solo and ensemble vocal literature through the 20th century, and the entire span of art and ethnic music composed in the Am?©ricas from the 17th century forward.
Size: Five vocalists, six instrumentalists
Concerts/Year: Three repertoires/year; four to six concerts/reper
Auditions: Yes, held by appointment throughout the year (call (415) 864-4681.)
Dues: No
Dress: Varies with programming. Basic dress: Women: black dress with accompanying item of color; men: black trousers, with white or off-white guayabera.
Rehearsals: Ad hoc, according to seasonal engagements, , , ,


Type of Music: Classical
Early Music
Type of Chorus: Ethnic
Rehearse City: San Francisco
Region: San Francisco
Audition Req'd: Y

Chorus Contact Information

Mailing Address: Instituto Pro M??sica de California, 295 Sanchez Street, San Francisco, 94114
Phone: (415) 864-4681

Other Information

Related Groups: No; however, Conjunto Nuevo Mundo works regularly in conjunction with the Coro Hispano de San Francisco (see separate listing in this directory), and according to repertory programming, with the Orquesta Pro Musica De San Francisco.
Discography: See entry under Coro Hispano de San Francisco.
Bibliography: See entry under Coro Hispano de San Francisco.