The New Queen's Ha'Penny Consort

Elvyn Blair, Director


The Arch Street Irregulars

Helene Whitson, Director


present a program of

Renaissance Music

Instrumental & Choral

We invite you to come and enjoy some old familiar tunes
and new settings of less familiar pieces

Saturday, March 1, 1997

7:30 pm

Admission Free

Fruitvale Presbyterian Church

2735 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland

(Corner of Coolidge Ave. and MacArthur Blvd)



  • From 580 West, exit at coolidge. Turn right onto Coolidge, go one block to MacArthur.
  • From 580 East, exit at Fruitvale. Parallel freeway for four blocks to Coolidge. Turn left onto Coolidge, go two blocks to MacArthur.
  • Contact 510-530-4243 for further information.


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